Got Jonny Outside for Fresh Air Today
Kirstin here again...
Today Jonathan got in a wheelchair and got outside for the first time. Believe me, he was thrilled to get out of that hospital bed and wheel out of that room! He was happy just to watch the people and cars go by!!
It looks like Monday he might be able to move to the physical therapy center (Roger C. Peace), but until then some great physical therapists are coming to him to get him going. As you can imagine, he is eager and determined to dive in. The guy is not afraid of a workout! However, in this case, the workout is sitting up in bed and moving into a wheelchair. I keep reminding him, one thing at a time! This will really test his patience.
Please keep the cards and notes coming, he is thrilled to hear from people. The address there is 701 Grove Road, Greenville SC 29605. And of course any email you send to me i print and bring into him. The thicker the stack the better! :-)
I've promised pictures before, but haven't yet had the time to put them up. Sorry about that. Maybe tomorrow. I really want you all to see how great he looks.
More later,
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