
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Archeological Musuem in San Pedro de Atacama...

Arqueologigas y Museo RP Gustavo Le Paige in Chile´s remote but enchanting San Pedro de Atacama is well worth the visit if you are interested in seeing Paleo Indian to modern day artifacts (11,000 BC - 2006 AD). The curators of the museum did a fantastic job of setting up a chronological display of artifacts from the Atacama area. The dryness of the Atacama and it´s ability to perfectly perserve artifacts and fossilized bones attracted Gustavo Le Paige to San Pedro around the 1950´s. The display of Clovis points which are pictured above was amazing. Clovis points are one of the oldest styles of arrowheads found in the Americas. The technology of carving the stones into Clovis points possibly came over from Europe via a land bringe or by very primitive boats. One spectator in the museum who shares the same love of archeology as I do, suggested that I check out some of the museums in Europe, especially one in Spain, as these museums display the same technology that is displayed in these Clovis points.

The second picture shows a classic mummy. It reminds me of Grateful Dead´s untitled album cover known by fans as ¨skull f&ck.¨